Buying the right jewelry

Buying Jewelry for someone that is Picky!

Let’s face it. Buying jewelry for someone else is difficult. It’s even more difficult when you are buying jewelry for someone who is picky. Everyone has at least one “picky” person in their life, the type who puts their whole heart and soul into every purchase, carefully investigating and weighing, weeding out all the unworthy options before finally resting on the perfect item. While this fastidiousness is wonderful for many aspects of life, it can make it pretty hard to find a present for these types of people – especially jewelry.

But jewelry can be a special and heartfelt gift for anyone we love in our life, so it’s important to get it right. Whenever we buy jewelry for a picky person, there is always some risk. You might have to accept that they may not like it. And you don’t want to simply ask them about what they like, as it will give away the surprise! There are, however, some ways to take this risk out of the equation. That’s why we have put together some ideas and tips to help buy that perfect jewelry for the picky people you love or care for.

1. Look at what Jewelry they already have before buying

The best way to ensure they’ll like the jewelry you buy is to see if it is in the same vein as what they already have or better put, what they wear most often because some people have jewelry that rarely wear.  Peek at their jewelry box or collection. Do they have more gold than silver? Are the pieces lighter and delicate or heavier and bold? Vintage or modern? Colorful or subtle? By analyzing what they already have, you’ll be better able to guess what they’ll like.

2. Have a good chat with their friends or family

Most people tell their friends a lot about their likes and dislikes. This is especially true when it comes to women and their preferred jewelry. Speak to the person’s friends, coworkers, or family (especially the fashionable ones) for some ideas about what they like when it comes to jewelry. This is a quick and easy way into the mind of your loved ones without actually asking them.

3. Sneak it into a conversation ( or rather Ask)

You can always ask them directly what they like to be sure you’re choosing the right piece. However, if you want to keep the purchase a surprise, try and nudge the concept into a conversation. This tactic may be a bit tricky if the individual you’re buying for is very in-tune with you, but subtly asking questions in conversation may help to narrow down what they like or what they don’t. Asking questions like, “My friend wants to buy his wife jewelry, which of these pieces do you think she’d like more?” or “I’m thinking of getting a new bracelet, what should I get?”

4. Explore the latest Jewelry trends before buying Jewelry

If you need some inspiration, checking out the latest jewelry trends is a good place to start. This is a great way to find something your fashion-conscious giftee will adore. That said, following trends rather than the style of jewelry your giftee already loves can be risky. Some people prefer classic jewelry and are not interested in unusual accessories, so whilst exploring trends is great for inspiration, it’s probably the least important factor if you’re Buying jewelry for a picky person.

5. Get Help from Jewelry Professionals

Jewelers are able to use their years of experience to recommend jewelry based on your description of the person, their likes, dislikes, and personal style. They know their stock well and can therefore help you find items you might not have considered before, and they may even be able to help you come up with a custom design that’s 100% unique to your picky person.

Buying jewelry for a picky person can feel like a daunting and stressful experience. But if you get it right, it is very rewarding. Sometimes your gut is more right than your brain, so use your intuition when buying jewelry for a picky person. When browsing a jewelry counter, look for pieces that seem to jump out at you and scream, “She’d love this!” Don’t be afraid to use your intuition the other way, too. If a piece seems perfect on paper but your gut says “no,” go with your gut and choose something else. If you’ve tried the above tips and you’re still at a loss, we’re happy to help you make that right decision.

Ultimately, however, as you follow any of our tips above, most importantly, keep your gift receipt! (You might just be returning it for an exchange). Stay beautiful!


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